‘Love Words’ Cosmic Wisdom
The Wonder
The Wonder
There is a dawning of joy
that is on the horizon
of your experience
at this time Dear Ones
and it is a Teacher and a Teaching
Blessed and Bles-sed
Loving and it is Love itself
It rolls like the waves
on a great ocean
and this ocean
is the ocean of your consciousness
as a collective
and you will notice that it will begin to light
the candles in the minds of many and as each candle is lite
that candle has the opportunity
to light another
The Path of Love
The Path Of Love
The path of love
is not about
how much you are loved
it is about
how much you can love,
how much you do love
See You In The Light
See You In The Light
The most beautiful thing
about standing in the light
is that all you need to do
is get there
it does the rest
The Throne of Ravishing Beauty Love and Freedom
Beautiful Child
You have come a long way on your path
Struggling sometimes
sailing sometimes
dancing sometimes
Singing sometimes
Expressing and enjoying freedom
In so many ways
Like a sweet child plucking beautiful blossoms from a garden
And you have mastered this walk
Like a bird in gilded cage
Making beautiful the cage
So beautiful it is hard to see
There’s something missing
It is so beautiful it is hard to see
that the bird is not free to fly to the sky
The Invitation
There is a time and place
for all expressions
there is a time and place
for all walking
all paths
all realities
and there is a time and place
for choice
and the choice
is not a simple choice
but it is a Soul Choice
to discover what time and place you are living in
and what time and place you wish to live in
for all realities are welcome
Cosmic Alignment
Question “How do I unfold my Cosmic Alignment?”
Cosmic Alignment
There is awakening of light dearest one
and we will tell you how
to hold this light
as your very own existence
for it is indeed exactly that
your very own Self
And so we start right hereat such a seeming simple point
that what you are seeking
is already truly who you are
and the steady and straight forward
meditation on this
is the way to love
the Enchanted Path
the Romance of the Awakened
and the most sacred and precious
ornament you will ever call your own