‘Love Words’ Cosmic Wisdom
Love Can Never Be Lost
Love Can Never Be Lost
If you can Soften right now
you will find
that Love
has always been
with You
Beautiful Dreamer
Question:… it is in regards to entanglement, especially with a potential love partner or existing love partner.
Beautiful Dreamer
When loves thorns
are stronger
than its tender arms
it is simply time to move on
and this teaching
is a lesson
a learning
that every dreaming soul
will encounter
for the act of dreaming itself
not only can take one
to the moon
and back
but can also projects itself
onto many life experiences
those of the heart
The Flowering
Question ‘ What is the cause of my Migraine headaches and how can I over come them ‘
The Flowering
There is a flowering happening at this time dear one
a deep and mysterious flowering
not like one you have not witnesses in your garden before
This flower that is blossoming is exotic
and somewhat out of place
in its current landscape of fear and doubt
Time For The Passion of Heart to Burn
It is time to allow the heart to burn
to burn with the fire of passion
to digest
all the old habits
that are part
of the holding back
that have been
part of the habits
of the nature of Humanity
It is time for the heart to burn
to burn with a passion
that is even beyond
what we know love is
a passion
that ignites
the greater
Cosmic Truth
Love Is Born
Love is Born
The clouds of smoke are lifting
the dance of love is beginning
the twist and the turns of consciousness
will be surprising
and the Light will shineDear Ones
Your path right now is to be one of the many
to experience yourself as part of the multitudes of consciousness
like the multifaceted diamond
and to hold this understand of your interconnection
in front of you
as you create each thought form and perception
The Beautiful Doorway
Imagine that you are standing at doorway
A beautiful doorway
One that is beckoning you to step through
and you choose to step
and yet on the other side
everything feels
beautiful yes
but deeply unfamiliar
so you are uncertain
uncertain about whether
you want to stay
This is very much
where the hearts of humanity
are at this time
The Sharing
The sharing betweenHeaven and Earth
is eminent
and the true medicine
For they need each
the are born for each other
each one completes the other
The Festival of Life
There has been a long road walked
and dear ones there is even a longer road in front of you
yet you must understand
that you are not the same person
that you were
when this journey began
and as this road continues
until its cycle of regeneration is complete
and will not be the same person
and you will not be the same person
and you will not be the same person
and you will not be the same person
and you will not be the same person
again and again
The Winds Are Blowing
Dear children of the Earth
The winds are blowing
and they are blowing you
Stirring and Churning
your Great Doubt
That Love is Real
and All you Need
yet there is no where else to hold on to, but Love
all else will flow through your grasping hands
sooner or later
The Eye of The Storm
The wisdom that you are seeking
lives within the eye of the storm
and this may seem like
a strange place to reach to
but remember
the eye of the storm
is the part of the storm
that is not affected by the storm
like a placid lake
where one can sit in still mediation
and it is also the wisdom eye
Soldiers of Love
Soldiers of Love
It has never been greater honour for than it is now
to stand
as bearers of light
as Soldiers of Love
Know that your hearts are pure enough to do this work
and your love is strong enough to bring the light
and that your minds are clear enough
to take the next steps forward
This is your birthing, as it is Humanities
The Prison of Loves Disappointments
The Prison of Loves Disappointments
When all else fails Dear One
there is one place
left to look
In the searching
for love
it eludes
even the cleverest seekers
Love and Creation
Love and Creation
It is an act of the lovely
to honour the Mother
and full of wisdom
for all that you give to a woman
comes back multiplied
This Time
This Time
This time that we are inis not about the darkness
this is one of the
biggest misperception
This time that we are inis about the Light
and it is the light
that squeezing
what appears to be
darkness to the surface
but it is not actually
darkness that we are perceiving
as much as it is
the tensions
the stresses
of humanity
How to Transform Self Doubt into Love and Purpose
How to Transform Self Doubt into Love and Purpose
Voices of Doubt
Beloved Ones
We see you trying so hard
To find the way to love
Through the many task and journeys
You have set out in front of your tender hearts
And we trust in your choices
To follow the hard path
Because that is what you have known
To be the answer
To the doubts that live inside
The Holy Seat of Love and Song
The Holy Seat Of Love and Song
Dearest One
You who have travelled
So near and so far from
The Source you are
From the Source you seek
From the Source that seeks you
As eagerly as you it
Yet with less burden
The Song of the Birds
This is a time of softening Dear Ones
and the softness has been calling you
since the beginning of this Great Change
and yet it is a very hard place to go to
which might seem a contradiction
for can something soft
be hard to reach ?
Forget All If You Dare
Forget All If You Dare
We comeIn radiance and love
To invite you to forget all
If you dare
For in this Divine forgetting
You will become
The teacher of your own Sweet Self
The Child’s Dream
The Child’s Dream
Dear Child
Please listen to our words
for we call you Child
not with out meaning
You are a Man yes
but in a Child’s heart
and the heart
of this Child wishes
to dream
to dream
of places
where no one gets hurt
where no lies are told
where no one is troubled
where no harm can be found
The Waiting
Question: “What is the next step on my path”?”
The Waiting
Never has there been a time Dear One
like that which stands before you now
where the deep pain of waiting
and the resentments from feeling unacknowledged
have their chance to become a past Self
one that you will look upon fondly and value her struggle
but you will not long for her imprisonment any longer