Wild Fires of Love

‘Love Words’ Inter-dimensional guidance
Guidance for the year 2021

Wild Fires of Love

Choose Love Karmic Readings

‘Love Words’

Guidance for 2021

Love Has Her Way with Everyone

All the Time

do not be the Fooled one

who believes

there is anything else

controlling your world

but Love

You are living in Her

Rapturous Embrace

Light your Wild Fires of Love !

and let their Light and Warmth guide you 

to Her Garden of Delights

To some this may seen ludicrous

in the face of all the planet has seen

but truly it is simple science

Love is the Creator

Therefore She is

the one who is  Looking

the one who can See

and the one Midwifing her Children

in their perfect expressions

of what they know life to be

Love stands with you at all times

and it is this truth 

that will steady

your next steps

from survive to thrive

Do not move too quickly

Beloved Children of what has yet to come…..

for in your haste

you will make speedier 

the habits of old

The old ways

cannot give you

a reference point

for what is to come

for what is rising is not of this world

as you see it now

The truths you are

currently seeking

and hiding from

are an old game of hide and seek

that is being exhausted

in your world stage

If you agree to the idea of loss

Or that it could be lost 

you are agreeing to

the next scene

in this drama

rather than the beginning

of what is New

Wild Fires of Love

Are the only solution

ignite your skies

with Love

and bask in the Radiance

Wild Fires of Love

are the only solution

Dear Children that have any belief in what could be lost

Wild Fires of Love

build them as high as you can

The Dream is closer than you think

Yet there are many obstacles

in the hearts of humanity

and the focus

must move to the heart

rather than the places of gain and loss

For how can you expect

a better world

if all that switches

is the balance of power

into Softer Hands ?

The focus must change

from power and who has it

to the Heart

It will take

Wild Fires of Love

to purify

the fears

that have become so comfortable

in your personalities

from lifetimes of living your social norms

Do you know

you are none of these conditionings?


absolutely none….

Every fear you have

is a false story

none of them are true

and everyone will appear tiny

cancelled out

When you meet 

The completely natural reality

of what you call death

On the death bed

the time of great absorption

each one of you realizes this

In your own way

Yet It would be wise

to see yourself on this death bed now

for it is very close to the truth

you are indeed dying

to be born again

and in this vision you may

see the futility of chasing fear

The fires

are of the metaphysical

they are Fire of ‘I Am Love’

not the politics of ‘What Happened’

They are the Fires

of Divine Light

not the torch

of ‘There they Are’ !

They are the Fires

of the fight 

yes !

but …

for the Battle

of the Heart

Not of Power Over !

There is so much uncertainly

and so many choices

Your Earth 

has opened

Her doors

that wide

You can now walk 

in almost any direction

a kaleidoscope of choices

have been freely offered

This has created a scrambling

like a Zoo’s cages opened 

the animals all running in different ways

according to their conditioning and instincts

Do not be alarmed

by anything that happens

it is simply the scrambling

Keep lighting your 

Wild Fires of Love

This is the Way


everything you know behind

remove your Costumes

of Knowing

and Stand Naked in the Unknown

Can you do this ?

can you allow

your own False Sense

of Power to drop away

or will you become obsessed

with exposing another ?

The Dove will land

do not have blood 

on your hands

when you go 

to pick her up

for she will 

fly away again

Stay quiet

Stay slow

Stay in romance

with your life

ask your self

before you act

is this from Love ?

for those who ask

this question

will find themselves

in flow with the Cosmic Reality

and its Loving Grace

This is your time

to Burn and Birth

Save your Awakened Intensities

for the Inner World

and Reveal your Divine Face

Hate not, Hate not, Hate not

for those who have fallen

are Angels too

and you have no idea

the struggle they are holding court with inside

The Winner is Love

You are Love

so you have already won !

but you don't believe this

because you don’t know who you are

find out

Light your Wild Fire of Love

let her stunning flames

hypnotize and seduce you to Surrender

The waves will come

to put out the flames

once they have completed

their task

so do not worry

Get lost !!

Not found !!

Lost in what you do not know

Lost in Love

rather than fear and anxiety

The Grand Butterfly

is not yet done with Her hiding

Heartbreak is still your common language

that even without 

a common mother tongue

you share freely 

with each other

Awaken from the sleeping world of the past

Stand Naked


the Crutches of Time

Love is who you are

Love will help you see yourself

in Her Image

When you come Naked to your World

Some feel this time to be a curse

Some marvel at it possibilities

But few are able to surrender fully to it

Know this to be true

and Light your Wild Fires of Love

forget about everything else

Do not doubt 

the power of 

this state of Love 

Love has Created All !

And is infinitely capable 

beyond the limited idea 

of who you Are

Rise for battle

like the Goddess

but do not tarnish your Soul

by going to War

The temptation will be great

Stillness and Silence

are you great helpers

to resist this temptation

if you have a seconds doubt

about where you should be

you are for the Silence

not of the the War

for the Light of Cosmic Truth 

has had a chance

to peak through your cracked amour

Your Chrysalis has begun to open

Your Grand Butterfly is preparing to spread Her wings

and fly with Freedom, Beauty and Grace

Stand naked

Dear Children

Stand with your Wild Fire of Love

let the flames illumine You

What is naked ?

it is to live without any sides

so nothing to hide

With a focus on your Inner Revolution 

We Bow to You !


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The Wonder