“I owe a lot of who I am to Ananda Xenia Shakti . I am always so thankful she was my first teacher. She took me so deeply into my soul, clearing out misconceptions and activating who I really am . She is an incredible teacher full of eons of wisdom and compassion. I am so thankful to be on this journey of life with her. If you are thinking of working with her in any capacity you can not do better than Ananda Xenia Shakti and her trainings.”
- Jaya Leigh, Soul Coach, Teacher, Channel
"Being in the presence of Ananda Xenia Shakti is like being in the arms of the Mother. She radiates love and light, and weaves a massive tapestry of healing abilities and talents that are truly sublime. Her gifts come from years of sadhana (spiritual practice) and immense and authentic devotion. She is tapped in, and in turn, you receive that blessing being in her presence. In any and all fields of learning with Ananda Shakti, flower petals of Divinity will surround and embrace you."
~Meenakshi. Yogini, studio owner, sacred singer/dancer, kirtan/shavasana wallah, international teacher and teacher trainer.
www.swaha.ca | www.downwarddog.com
“Oh Ananda, thank you so much for this reading, it is just what I needed to validate myself at this time, as I watch my husband’s physical deterioration.
I feel as though I am walking with him towards leaving this world.
On the other hand my creativity is flourishing and I am being inspired to start putting my art out to the world.
I Reclaim these gifts with honour and delight. So I thank you with blessings galore.”
- Love Camilla : )
“I sing your praises all the time! Your insight and the depth of the transmissions you offer are so profoundly transformative. For years after the fact…”
- Julie Simmons Astrologer, www.juliesimmons.ca
"My experience in working with Ananda as both student and client over several years has been life changing. My initial core pattern reading
gave meaning and context to the perceptual lense through which I see the world and dramatically hastened my journey on the path to liberation from that false storyline. I continue to work with Ananda on this, the most worthwhile journey of my life. Ananda is a teacher of enormous integrity and a very great blessing in the lives of all her students."
Paul McCartney, intuitive Healer
“I consider the numerous readings that I have received from Ananda Shakti as nothing less than life changing. The nuanced and profound guidance of these transmissions continue to unfold as the years pass and my own awareness grows in pace. Her work initiates profound shifts in consciousness and deep physical release like nothing else I have experienced, bringing understanding and healing to every major challenge of my life. I am so grateful for her presence as a guide and friend on this path.”
— Adi Kanda, Poet, Musician and Intuitive Healer
“When Ananda gave me my Soul Story Reading I felt like she was speaking to a part of me that had never been spoken to before and that it allowed that part of me to come forward. It was such a unique and rare experience.
I have had the recording of the reading she gave me for 20 years now and everytime I listen to it it brings me even deeper wisdom, insight, guidance.
To have her as a guide and her connection to Source and the Angels as a guide, has been one of the greatest blessings of my life.I am profoundly grateful for her and her willingness to be unique and to share her gift of connection with Source. I can't imagine what my life would be like without having met Ananda Shakti.”
- Sarah Walton, TCM Therapist, Channel, Yoga Teacher, Astrologer
“I first saw Ananda on a recommendation from a friend. She gave me what she calls a core pattern reading. The session was very powerful and gave me a deeper understand of myself and the tools to help me transform my life. Since that initial session I have seen her many time. The work continues resonate with me. If like me you are striving for a deeper understand of the world and your place in it then there isn't a better place to begin the journey.”
- Robin Cleland psychic counsellor
Ananda's Choose Love Karmic Readings Training changed my life. I was always involved in healing practices but this brought me into a deeper connection to Source than ever before and she taught it in such a simple straightforward way.
I feel honored to be part of her community and If anybody feels inspired to help themselves and others clear karmic patterns, this training is absolutely necessary.
- Michelle GB, Healer, Channel, Dancer
“Magic! and the perfect path to getting more in touch with your spirit. Xenia’s healing touch and intuitive insights have brought so much to my life, spirit, and entire being. Her treatments have brought me a greater connection to ‘self’ and the divine, and each treatment continues to bring deep healing to my physical, mental, and emotional being. If you are open to deepening your spiritual awareness and have yet to experience a session with Xenia, then wait no longer. You will get all and more than you ever hoped from each session.”
— Catherine McFaddon, The Holistic Way
Without a doubt, getting my ‘Core Pattern’ reading done with Ananda Shakti changed my life. Pure and simple. The results from working from an Art of Life perspective has been the most healing achievement of my life so far. Not only do I recommend it, but I believe that it is a pre-requisite for anyone who is taking this life seriously. It’s an amazing opportunity to evolve, love, and live fully.”
— Shivani Howe, Puraluna Yoga
“I have had treatments from many healers and modalities in my life. Some – a few – have been great. No one has come close to Xenia. She is vibrating at a higher dimension and brings authenticity, truth, clarity, integrity, equanimity and humility together in such a balance as to offer a most pure kind of healing. It truly is life changing. The sessions I’ve had with Xenia have provided me with what I’ve been looking for my whole life (I’m 50). They have illuminated the way gently and smoothly, with great support and love, so that I can assimilate the changes in a profoundly flowing, dignified and beautiful way. She is what we are looking for at this time of change to provide the information we need to move forward, and to hold us steady, as we open to the light.”
— Sally Smith