A New Realm of Awakening Guidance for 2025
Sweet children of the Mystery
We welcome you to a New Realm of Awakening
And it is the heart
Rather than the intellect
That will guide you there
This shift in operating systems
Is why so many of your stages
Are being torn down
And so many players and roles
Needing rewrites
In the great theatre of Earth
The journey you are travelling
Is a recalibration of ALL You have known
In ways not yet possible to explain
Yet trust dear ones, these new states of reality will arrive
You will feel them
You will become them
You will rejoice in them
And You will be the ones to Speak them
To explain them
To declare them
The long hiding Jewel of your heart
Will begin Her journey
To the surface of your life
What you now consider
Radical Love
Will be the foundation of communication
In your new field of Oneness
Imagine this for moment
Your own heart so radiant
Nothing can obscure it’s shine
No words from self or other in past or present
No actions from self or other in past or present
No thoughts from self or other in past or present
A New Playing Field for Life
This is the vision
We invite you into
It is a heart
That knows no separation
From its very Radiant Adorable Self
There will be nothing
That will any longer inspire doubt
In the Love You Are
You are taking a great leap
Into the beginning stages
Of birthing this Realm Now
Take time to sit with this vision
See who are when you are no longer in the Separation
Vision Yourself living in your New Heart Reality
We invite you to visit this vision regularly
As you build your permission
For this Reality to Rise and Be
Breathe Life into it
Let it become a Living part of You
It will escort you
From the habits of the Old
Into the land of the New
We are visioning for your
A Deepened trust
in releasing the need for fear
A deepened trust
in the journey of self witnessing and self honestly
A deepened Trust
In knowing The Hands of Grace are ready
To assist you at all times
A deepened trust in knowing there is nothing that cannot be evolved by Love
Consider these days ahead of 2025
Like your 40 days and nights
In the desert
A time of
Loving releases
Intensified realization
And embodying
A Deep and Wondrous Love
We encourage you once again
Build your healing homes and centres
Not to fix each other
For no one Is broken
Instead to learn how to love more deeply
Come together on an even Field of Light
Each arriving for a deepened experience of healing
Practitioner and Patient
Each witnessing
The Beloved Source to be the operating vibrancy for the change
It may take some time to learn how to flow in these new ways
Be patient, Sweet children of the Mystery
For This is what time has been created for
To be the dimensional home for conscious evolution
Your Earth collective
Will be experiencing
A profound healing and clearing
Of the perception of failure
In a deep and vibrant way
Through the journeys of public players
And in personal arenas
This does not mean you will not thrive in your endeavours
It means one of the greatest obstacles
That divert your thriving
Is being removed
And the thorns
You have collected in your feet as you have walked
The old pathway
Will be seen and skilfully removed with Love
This is one of the great clearings of the year
And is it more powerful than even taking down
The distorted platforms, for they could never have risen
without the Old paradigm of the judging God
and the belief in failure and punishment
When the Old God
Has been lovingly put to sleep
Once and for All
By the radiant wisdom of
‘Who amongst us has done no wrong? Who amounts us can cast the first stone?’
Your creative and co-creative abilities
Will be set free to fly into the New Heart Realm
And create an existence of Love and Beauty
Yet unseen
By mortal eyes
You will be initiating with your very choice
The beginnings of a world
Where there will be no more need
To compromise one self
Due to moods of inadequacy
Or look for others to point fingers at
To sooth ones one torment
For as you know this is always the truth
When the finger points
The discontent is not with another
But with one self
Yet that self is not even who you are
It is the old conditioning of limitation in action
Creating conflicted perceptions
The New Heart will offer a sweet nectar
That cleanses the old lens
And allows the New Earth Love to prevail as All you see
And yes it is enough
More than enough
That You see the New
Try not worry about others this year
Everyone is moving forward
In alignment with Source
Come together to support each other
Yet do not worry about the other
For the worry itself
Casts a cloud of doubt
Dulling the clarity of the will power
Your own Souls journey will inspire others
And lovingly
In its glorious unique way
Trust your journey, be it humble and live it
For this is where you Vibrant Self will reveal
When you ‘follow’ another’s path
It becomes harder for you to hear your vibrancy guiding you
Yet know
Following is not the same
As being inspired
You are here to inspire each other
By focusing on the New Heart
You will develop the awareness
To see, if they are your feet walking
To the next spot
To see, if your will forces are aligned with your steps
Even if you path is a complete
Replication of another path
This is not the issue
The issue is who’s feet are walking
The enquiry is Have you embodied this choice to walk?
Is it yours now?
Embodiment is a place of Joy in this Awakening
And will spontaneously move so many of the old movies out of your cells
For you to move in !
Inspire and be inspired freely and lovingly
And reveal in the incredible Bliss
of the embodied steps you take
As you are very aware
For the Oneness to shine you forward
The old ideas of Power
Are being dismantled
This is happening on subtle and obvious levels
On Inward and outward stages
This is where deepened self awareness
Is your evolutionary tool
To embody the multidimensional Self
Rise and Shine
And see you are not only part of the change
You are the change
Celebrate this
The veil is thinning through Love and Shocks
For both have their purpose in assisting the Shift
Recognize your Governing Elected Body has been the unresolved heartbreak of Humanity
Running the show … one could say
Call the sacred hands of Grace
To assist you
In removing your habit of believing in this limitation of unresolved heartbreak
We invite you to contemplate this mantra
Only Love is Real
Let it sit in your heart
Discover its infinite loving mystery
Knowing this truth is akin to taking a magic carpet ride
Out of history and into your future
If you feel inspired by it’s meaning
This year is a very good year to repeat it as a mantra
For it will accelerate the ease of your evolutionary journey
To the New Heart and New Earth
And with these words
We will leave for now
Yet we are always with you
For we are all journeying together
In this Great Awakening of Love