Sananda Devi Yoga

The Yogini Path of Yoga

Empowering Women
Awakening the Goddess Inside and Out

We offer The Yogini Path & Classical Yoga Classes

It has been predicted by many ancient path this time would arrive !
The time of the Divine Feminine, where the feminine impulse will lead the way !
The Yogini Path of Yoga is one source of wisdom and power to lead that awakening.

This unique yoga experience is for woman wishing to enhance their wisdom and activate a direct experience of the Goddess and Spiritual Awakening and Radiant Health through yoga.

Awakening the Mystic Nature of the Feminine

The Yogini Path of Yoga offers Deep Empowerment for Woman in all of their natural expressions, Strength, Grace, Spiritual Awakening, Vibrancy, Compassion, Love, One Pointed Focus, Revelry, Tender Heartedness, Intelligence, Divine Moods, Being the Crucible for your Evolution, Freedom of Expression In Body Mind And Heart, Beauty, Womb Wisdom…

In the Golden Era of India there were Yogini’s who gathered and practiced the esoteric’s of Yoga and Goddess worship in ways that enhanced and amplified their feminine potencies, rather than adjusting their systems to a masculine model of yoga.

In this special course you will learn the feminine art of yoga, incorporating classical practices, mantra, mudra, meditation, ritual worship, self care, womb care, expression of Divine Love through dance and more…….

Sananda Devi Yogini Path Yoga Teacher Training is also available

Click here to find out more


Have a question about any of our offerings? Book a 15 minute Discovery Call.


Sananda Devi Yoga is a comprehensive form of classical yoga, weaving the ancient and modern times while focusing on yogic practice as a vehicle for the transformation of consciousness. Yoga inspires vibrant health and a joyful life filled with meaning and connection. Sananda yoga supports the student to embrace a deeper life purpose and move with life’s experiences, as a path of spiritual transformation.

A Sananda, yoga class is a unique experience – at times introspective, slow moving and gentle, at other times vigorous and exhilarating. The flow of each class is guided by principals that bring, body, mind, emotions, and spirit into harmony.

Kriya Prayer Flows are a specialized form of yoga being offered by Sananda. Kriya Prayers Flows encourage cellular and vibrational healing, introspection and deepened Self awareness, and bring together movement, mantra, mudra, bandha, pranayama, meditation, relaxation and philosophy into one complete session for body, mind and spirit. They open the practitioner to moods or states of consciousness that are the foundational pillars of spiritual awakening, Devotion, Faith and Inspiration. The flows are named:

The Yoga of Gratitude (Bhakti Shakti), The Yoga of Trust/Faith ( Shraddha Shakti ),The Yoga of Inspiration (Divya Shakti) .

The shakti (energy) of each kriya sequence flows through the practitioner like a celestial song reorganizing and purifying ones pranic flow towards the state of consciousness that is intended.

Sananda is the name that I chose to represent the style of yoga I offer. Sananda is one of the names for the Goddess of bliss and fullness.. The word Sananda literally means “with bliss” a state of spiritual absorption into Bliss. It is also Vedic word for the big bang theory “The Sananda Oversoul” the Great Cosmic Oneness from where the multiplicity of the world of form has birthed. The word Sananda is also an esoteric name for Crystal Christ Consciousness, the Divine Child within All and means the highest point of spiritual experience. Sananda yoga embraces East and West, the One and the Many and is the embodiment of Bliss.

What is Kriya Yoga?
Kriya Yoga; as a combined word which means to act with love dissolving our limiting karmas to reunite us with Creation. The purpose of Kriya Yoga is to free souls entangled on earth by the power of Divine Love and to reunite souls with the Source Energy. As human beings we are spiritual souls limited by our karma related imprints on our planet earth. Kriyas help us move energy in ways that unhook us from our perceived limitations.

Yoga connects you to the world by deepening your self-knowing, leading you towards inner peace and ultimately into a state of spiritual union. Union is the meaning of the word yoga. This special type of union that blossoms from yoga will guide you towards oneness with creation, through union with self, union with other, union with nature and union with the mystery of life. The union of yoga creates a state of bliss called ananda, combined with Divine wisdom and truth.

Personal and Group Yoga Classes and Programs, available on line with Ananda Xenia Shakti. Ananda will personally design a program for you or your group that will help you meet your life goals of health, peace of mind, joy and deeper meaning!

$88 per class 1.5 hrs
$333 for a 5 session package 1 hr per class

classes are recorded and you will have access to then for one month



Postures called asanas, they are the physical exercises of yoga. By moving the body in specific positions combined with deep breathing, you are able to realign the energy flow in your body and mind. The new flow of energy can heal health conditions and transform stressful belief systems and perceptions, increasing your life force energy in all ways.

Pranayama is the name for breathing exercise in yoga. By experiencing your breath as the winds of life, you are able to enhance life force and vibrancy. The breathing exercises increase the depth of each breath and apply various types of patterns on the breath to create specific transformations.

Meditation, called Dhyana, is the culmination of all yogic practices. In meditation the mind moves towards a state of one-pointedness. When the mind is still it becomes peaceful and inspired by inner vision and inner wisdom.

YOGA NIDRA Deep Relaxation, Healing, Sublime Transformation

Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice of sublime relaxation that helps remove obstacles towards your wholeness. During a Yoga Nidra session one sets a deep intension for your dreams to manifest and your spiritual essence to awaken. Mastery of this ancient technique will bring your deepest levels of creativity and healing energies to the surface, while releasing deeply rooted stresses.

A  note to Yoga Studio owners and managers. Ananda Shakti is available to offer  Yoga Nidra training  as a wonderful addition in your TTC or as a workshop for your students.


Ayurveda is the sister science to Yoga. In essence Yoga breaks the form, by expending consciousness and Ayurveda constructs it in a new more radiant form for the consciousness to reside in. There is self care wisdom and techniques in Ayurveda that are unique to women. We will explore these and how they relate to yoga.


We are the dance of the heavenly spheres ! They assist us in transforming karma. This section of the Yogini Path will be a introduction about the effects of the Heavenly spheres on our moods our mind and our yogic practices.

Chakras are sacred energy wheels that govern stages of the evolution of consciousness. Each chakra contains an aspect of life … survival, relationship, personal will, love, creativity, intuition, union . By holding awareness on the appropriate chakra during a yogic practice the transformation available from practice is greatly increased.

Sacred sound, called mantra in yoga, is a science that has been passed down by the masters of yoga. It is Vibrational Healing. Through repetition of sacred sounds you become like the opera singer who uses a sound of a higher frequency to shatter the density of the glass. By repetition of ancient higher vibration sounds you break through old karmic patterns stored in cellular memory. As the old patterns release, more life force energy circulates, bringing deeper joy and health.

In yoga, gestures, named mudras and bandhas, are primarily hand movements and muscular contractions. They are expressions of beauty and grace and redirect the flow of inner energy to balance the nervous system, for a life of harmony and health.

Women’s Circles

Women’s circles are deep part of the ancient Yogini path. The Yogini path is a path that honours connection and community as part of awakening. That find compassion for another as a radiant inspiration and thrives by learning from each others experience and holding space for the jewel of the feminine heart that is capable of feeling deeply and intimately with life and love.

Women circles are amazing stress reducers and empowerment times. When women come together we can open new realms of existence. The feminine body is designed to be a conduit from the formless to the form. In circles we discover how to celebrate this often feared by society potency. We come together to share our heart and souls without judgment or correction. But with reverence and wonder.

It has been predicted by many ancient path this time would arrive the time of the Divine Feminine. Where the feminine impulse will lead the way in men and woman ! The Yogini Path of Yoga is one source of wisdom and power to lead that awakening.

Yoga is a living art form. The geometry of a yoga pose if a living mandala designed for the  transformation of body, mind, and soul. From the view point of yoga the body is your temple and this  unique  exploration of the physical functioning of the body during the practices of yoga will offer an  invitation to move deeper into your temple, into the poses, and into the essence of love in the Soul. This study will also Includes some Healing Movement Yoga teachings.


Awakening the Mystic Anatomy in the feminine architecture, using ancient wisdom, anatomical wisdom, teaching of Ayurveda for women, yogini tantric practices for inner awakening.