The Holy Seat of Love and Song
Did you know your voice can bring lasting joy to your life?
A woman asks, “How can I find lasting happiness in my life?”
The Holy Seat Of Love and Song
Dearest One
You who have travelled
So near and so far from
The Source you are
From the Source you seek
From the Source that seeks you
As eagerly as you it
Yet with less burden
Darling child of the song
There is a simple truth
A simple magic
To revealing the Joy your are
In Her glorious debut
That can never be hidden again
This simple magic
Is indeed simple
Yet courage is its fuel
And so few understand this…..
The layers of daring
It takes to reclaim
What is natural
How many times
In the reaching
It will appear
As if the heart felt action
Cannot provide
The foundations
Of love and trust
And sustenance
Needed to maintain
The pleasantries of life
Of body, of soul, of heart
Of connection with community
Of respect from peers
Yet just like any act of magic
There is understanding needed
For it success
And we promise
In this simple action lives
The answer you seek
But know that you are rolling
Back the carpets of lifetimes
Of nay saying
Of the fear of trusting once again the inspiration
Grant yourself
This simple permission
Lift the magic sceptre
Of the song
That lives
In your heart
And sing ….
Give a voice
To the love you are
Again and again
Sing its beauty
To your world
To the world
To what is seen
To what is unseen
It lives in you dearest child
The music
Of the spheres
It has never been lost
You own the key
You can develop
The courage
Take this walk
With us now
Find the song
That wishes
To be released
From the prison of the fear
Of being lost
Into the pains of loss once again
For there need not be
Any such ending
To your hunger
This time
To the passion
That lives
Smouldering within
At times burning
your tenderness
When it seeks shelter
From this passions
appetite for Beauty
For it does not rest
It designed to inspire
You to become You
Release into Creations Love
All fear
Of being unsafe
As you dare yourself into fully revealing
The hunger
And the artistry
That is Your
Holy Seat Of Love and Song
All Love travels with you at All times