Radical, Radiant, Evolution! Be Free
Quantum Awakening Journeys !
Akashic Readings !

Welcome Friends. My life focus is the Evolution of Consciousness. Did you know that every single moment of your life is designed to set you free…. life is pure magic and I have had the honour of discovering this at a young age. I am an Innovative Healer and Conscious Intuitive, Soul Advisor, Yoginni, International Yoga Trainer, Devotional Singer, Indie Recording Artist with Number One charted singles, Indian Classical Dancer, Poet, Lover, Teacher, Mother and Friend…. and Creator of the ‘She Dress’. I call myself an Intuitive Inter-Dimensional Healing Artist, which pretty well sums it up, while still leaving space for the breath of mystery.

Choose Love
Quantum Awakening
Discover Your Akashic Records ’Core Soul Story’ and Ignite Your Soul’s Gift!
You Are A Love Story... Find Out Why
Choose Love Karmic Readings to offer an innovative look into your Soul’s history, providing High Vibrational Energy to unite you with your Higher Self Wisdom, Activate your Soul’s Gift while releasing the outdated root conditioning or ‘karmic patterns’ active in your life, providing healing for your life’s disturbances…. whether they are physical, emotional, mental or situational.
Receive loving support, wisdom activations, energetic attunements and transmissions to Awaken your Soul’s Gift and let go of the Core Soul Story’s deeply rooted conditioning that is compelling you to settle for a life less than you dream of. This course will give you the codes, keys and practices for a life of Love and Dreams fulfilled.
Light Weaving is powerful personal Divination tool that connects you directly to Universal Guidance. It is a Potent Activation that provides Energetic Healing, Intuitive Guidance, and deepened states of Meditation and Prayer.
‘Love Words' Transmissions, received by Ananda while in her intuitive communion with the Heavenly Realms, Elevate Heart, Mind, and Life. They offer Guidance for all and include special messages from Mary Magdalene.

The ‘I Am Love’ Activation
Humanities Original Blueprint is
‘I Am Love’
Codes, Keys, Healing Activation, Prayers, Heaven Earth Breath Series, Mantras, Meditations, Sacred Movement
There is Nothing that cannot be changed by knowing
that you are Love!
Find out what’s happening in the Hive of like-hearted Souls and who my inspirations are, and you can join our mailing list for a free Yoga Nidra Session
Yoga Nidra awakens the super conscious brainwaves providing deep relaxation, healing, and manifestation of personal inspirations. The practice will teach how to enter a true state of relaxation, to access your Higher Self Potencies.
Life is Energy!! Move your body in ways that inspire and Awakening, Love and Pure Joy!! Activate your Life Force with Devotional Movement, Dance, the new soul shining Visible Prayer Flows.

Love Power the Band
Vibrational Healing Music for Body and Soul,
that Blesses and awakens the Festival of Life.
LPTB inspires you to Sing, Dance, and be the Magic!!!
Find out what’s happening in the Hive of like-hearted Souls and who my inspirations are, and you can join our mailing list for a free Yoga Nidra Session.
Dress the World In Love !!! Feel and Look Beautiful, while helping to prevent or rescue a girl from Human Trafficking. Each purchase includes a donation to Stop Human Trafficking.
Enjoy free teachings and instructions in rituals and methods to enhance the joy of life, the evolution of consciousness and day to day self care delights !

Sananda Devi Yoga
Sananda Devi Yoga integrates traditional practices with modern sensibility, it is a comprehensive form of yoga, focused on Yoga as a vehicle for the transformation of consciousness by using Yogic Practices, Kriya Prayer Flows, Yoga Nidra,
and the Yogini path for women.

Check out my latest ‘Love Words’ Higher Realm Guidance for Now, Insights into Life!
My You Tube has Vibrational Healing audio versions of many of the Higher Realm Transmission