The Ugly, The Beauty, The Love
ananda sharing hearts with lalita the cow
The Ugly, The Beauty, The Love
In truth our ugliest places, actions, emotions, can only be healed by recognizing our true beauty. Going deeper into dissecting and analyzing the ugliness it is like picking a scab on a wound it will not heal it. In truth the people of our world are suffering not from fear but because they cannot see their beauty. It is time to stop beating ourselves and others up and to begin loving.
A beloved who was once on his death bed and had travelled the world seeing this guru, that master, doing fantastic Pujas and practices, getting blessings from deep sacred places and spending most of his hours in Sadhana said that he realized in that moment so close to death that the only thing he had done in his life that really matter were the kind and loving actions he offered another person. None of the fancy Sadhana etc had any real value in comparison. In that moment he stole my heart and although he reached another crossroad with death where he didn’t make it through… my heart will always be one with his Inspiration to be love and a servant of love.
With Love!