On The Topic of Choice

On The Topic of Choice

There’s a lot said these days about the fact that we have choice. It’s a topic people ask about frequently via my Choose Love Karmic Readings and in my Choose Love Facebook group.

The idea of choice is meant to be a liberating option and yet we so often hear it almost like a condemnation, a judgement about what  we are doing. As if there’s a right choice and a wrong choice deeming your value as high or low.

It is true that the universal powers give us choice yet  not in some kind of testing to see if you make  make the right choice or wrong choice,  but actually as an incredible possibility for choice.  Life becomes a celebration when you really experience that you have choice it does vibrate like a burden of making the right choice or the  wrong choice.

It is  actually  a realization that you have choice, and that you can choose something different for your reality.

This can only be understood as a direct experience. Trying  to convince a person who has  not experienced that moment of absolute celebration that there is choice and it is a loving option that  can change our reality can actually be quite cruel because you’re trying to tell a person who identifies with a sense of powerlessness, that they need to make the choice to change, can potentially make them feel even worse about themselves.

Yet lovingly helping each of us to feel more directly we  are love will assist us in realizing we have choice!

There is  no ‘trying to choose’  when it comes to this Cosmic Permission  for choice it is like a door that flys wide open  a joyful celebration of a reality that shows you that there is choice and that   you can have something different if you want it.

It’s  a magnificent magical realm that brings us closer to the unfathomable Love of Creation .

Creation is not a judge,  for creation has created everything!  so why would it turn around and hate some thing that it’s created?

Creation is an artist,  if we need to find a word to describe something that is beyond words. Creation  gives birth and permission to the manyfold  expressions of love and life we see on this planet. Creation  gives choice and free will  to each of its sparks. And please be assured the sparks  can truly never be separated in word, deed,  or action from the source itself.

One of my dear teachers  was fond of describing the reality that we have in front of our eyes as a modification of the Supreme Reality. Not as something wrong or  something less, simply a modification, an experience of separation from the Supreme Reality.

Many spiritual teachings tell us this separation is also a choice, a Divine Play and that this life exists to reunite ourselves with the Divine Source. This reuniting takes place through the festival of the revelation of choice!

From the lens of our birthright this choice  is not  even a great action, it’s just natural.

Yet in our more common expression of minds we think of it being extraordinary .

Yet it  simply becomes a possibility, an option, a delightful option one recognizes as part of life……just like when you go for a walk you could turn down one street or another, you have that choice ! you have the same choice when it comes to your Cosmic Anatomy, your Consciousness.

Choice is truly a celebration of life,  an absolute freedom that is given with absolute love! We do not need to bind ourselves in any experience or state this is not what Creation  is offering or desires for us .

There is no punitive aspect to Creation.  It is  like an artist’s palette it chooses to  explore and experiment with beauty and love.

With Love !


Love or Power and the Goddess